Welcome to the Sybil Brand Commission for Institutional Inspections webpage. We hope that you will find it to be an indispensable resource in meeting your informational needs. As you experience this website, you will find valuable links intended to support you in acquiring the information and assistance you are seeking. We invite you to learn more about the Commission and thank you for visiting the Commission webpage.

2023 Goals
1. Engage entities responsible for enforcement of existing State/County standards for humane and constitutional conditions inside the county jails, including:
a. Department of Health Services (DHS) and Correctional Health Services (CHS)
b. Civilian Oversight Commission (COC)
c. Board of State and Community Corrections
d. Jail Closure Implementation Team
e. Court lock ups and Court leadership
2. Monitoring quality of access, treatment, and outcomes related to medical care and mental health care.
a. Underlying causes of in-custody deaths deemed natural by the Medical Examiner.
b. Regular meetings with the Department of Health Services and Correctional Health Services (CHS)
c. Monitor mental health patient rights and access to mental health services.
3. Seeking feedback and making recommendations to the Board of Supervisors on areas of concern regarding the closure of Men's Central Jail (MCJ) and implementation of the Care First, Jail Last plan as it impacts jail conditions and community capacity.
4. Evaluate expansion and targeting of programming in the jails, including access, retention, and outcomes of programming.
5. Periodic direct engagement with the Board of Supervisors on areas of concern.
6. Conduct periodic self-assessment of the commission's impact on jail conditions to determine the extent at which we may need to advocate for changes to statute.
Commission Meetings
The Sybil Brand Commission meets the first Thursday of each month at 9:00 a.m. at the Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration, 500 West Temple Street, Los Angeles, California 90012.
The public is welcome to attend the Commission Meetings.
The Sybil Brand Commission for Institutional Inspections is authorized by Chapter 2.82 of the Los Angeles County Code.